I think that one of the main reasons I a such a huge fan of Beyonce is not only her up lifting music and the lyrics always seem to say what the words I can't seem to find but her incredible work ethic. She is always talking in her interviews about how women should be independent, work hard and never rely on other people to do the work for them. As a feminist myself I think this is incredibly important that someone with her profile is preaching this to young women.
My friends always compare me to Beyonce herself because of my feisty edge and never letting anyone walk all over me. Sometimes people say my body actions are even the same as her's, this for me, has to be one of the greatest compliments I could ever receive of someone. As an incredibly small person I feel if I was not like Beyonce in the feisty independent way then I would just be walked all over and I will certainly never allow this.
She is not only my inspiration for the way I act and the way I am as a person but my appearance, she is curvy and not stick thin like most celebrities now. This is, well words do not describe how important this is in today's society, I know so many girls that are so concerned about there weight when there is absolutely no need to be, so when they don't believe me I send them to Youtube to one of the many interview with Beyonce knowing that in that intreview she will say everything right and that it will almost been directed at that person. Her words make young girls feel so much better about them selves this is vital to a happier future for these young girls.
She ridiculously talented, she dances, she sings, she acts, she knows the technical background, she's beautiful, she's perfect and she is my inspiration to go forth in life and achieve as much as I can
'I don't believe in no' - Beyonce <3
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